How to share The Gospel in 2 minutes

Now that you’ve become motivated to share The Good News of salvation, what should you say when someone sees your shirt or hat and asks you about it? We have presented below a sample explanation that can be recited in 2 minutes to start the conversation. It’s a guideline you can use word for word or change it to make it your own. The main thing is that you are communicating this very important message. Perhaps to someone who has never heard it before. Perhaps to someone you will meet in heaven. Note: There are some Follow-Up Points (below) that you can use if your conversation continues past 2 minutes..

Remember, the Holy Spirit will draw people to you who are hungry for truth and have a penitent attitude. Just watch as His Spirit works through you.

The Gospel 2 Minute Summary:

The GOSPEL is the GOOD NEWS that God, our creator, who is perfectly holy, just, and righteous, loved us so much that he decided to change the course of human history, with a plan to keep us from spending eternity separated from him. God created us eternal, holy and without sin to live in his presence. Because of our rebellious and sinful nature (inherited from Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden) we would have to spend our eternity in a very dark and painful place called hell. As a righteous judge, God had to punish sin. So what was God’s plan to save us from this horrible reality?

Since people proved unable to follow God’s laws throughout history, God knew only a divine atoning sacrifice would suffice. God’s plan was to send his Son to earth to become flesh in the person of Jesus Christ as payment for our sins. Jesus, lived the sinless life we should have lived, then died the horrible death we as sinners deserve – in our place.

Three days later he rose from the dead in a glorified body witnessed by hundreds of people, proving that He is truly the Son of God. He offered the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sins to everyone who repents of their sin and believes in him. The gift of salvation transforms our lives on earth and gives us the hope of eternal life in the presence of God. Jesus made everything new again for us as it was in the original Garden of Eden. That’s really great news.

Below are 2 videos to help you expand your knowledge.

Follow-Up Points:

Do you believe people who commit moral crimes ought to be punished?

Have you ever done any wrong things? I know I did.

We are all sinners. Like it or not.

Would you like it if the top 10 worst moments of your life were in a movie on the big screen?

We are all guilty and we deserve punishment from our creator who created us pure.

SO WE BOTH AGREE? Bad news for you and me. Unless there’s another way.

Imagine going before a judge.

Judge says: Are either of you guys interested in a pardon?

(Substitutionary atonement)

Then the judge took off his/her robe, got in the dock and wrote out a check for us (took the punishment for us) so we could be set free. The penalty was paid in full.

That’s what God (our judge) has done through Jesus. He was the only one who could solve the problem.  

Things to understand:

God who created the universe could have walked away from his fallen human creations. 

But God still loved us even though we sinned against him. 

So he gave us a way to be saved. 

We all live in bondage because of inherited sin. 

We are all eternal beings. After this life we all continue to exist. 

We will all be judged by God after physical death. 

Our choice now is punishment or redemption. 

The Punishment: separation from God in eternity with great suffering forever. 

The Gift of Redemption: eternal life in God’s presence full of love and happiness forever. 

The way to punishment: reject Jesus as your savior. 

The Way to the gift: understanding that Jesus Christ’s suffering and death paid for your redemption. Receive him as your Lord and Savior. Then follow his teachings. 

This way you, through him, might become the righteousness of God. God said you can switch places. Then your slate can be wiped clean and God will look at you like He looks at His own son.

This is where our faith begins.

He will put His Spirit in you and give you His DNA to where you actually practice and speak like His Son. To where people can point you out in a room because you’ve got so much of the DNA of His Son coming out of you. In this way, the old you will die and Jesus will live through the new you.

It’s a free gift. You just need to receive it.

Pastor Dan Mohler recently gave a sermon where he summed it up this way (give or take a few words):

“Get a firm secure identity and see yourself the way God sees you. It’s through His love. Perfect love. God’s love is perfect. It’s the answer so that’s where we are heading. You have to receive that love to become that love.

But the goal of the Father isn’t that you just be loved by God. The goal of God loving you this way is that He multiply and reproduce that love in you and through you. That you become the representation of the love of God. It’s not just about you being loved by God, it’s about you becoming that love. As He is, so are we. It’s the perfection of love. To becoming one.

The finished work of Christ isn’t exalted and fulfilled when a person prays a prayer to go to heaven and get their name in the book. It’s when their nature is transformed and converted back to love their original created value.

The finished work of Christ is fulfilled when a person is born again. And old things pass away and all things are new. This is the glory of the inheritance in the saints. The deposit of the blood of the Son of God into the earth. And the payback dividends and interest of reproduced after His own kind.

One seed into the ground springing up bearing much fruit – Christians The body of Christ first born among many predestined to be conformed to His Image.

The fulfillment and glorification of the resurrection of Christ is when a person gets converted and transformed back to what they were in the beginning.

It’s the glory of the inheritance in the saints. It’s the hope of His calling. It’s His purpose in your redemption. God has a purpose in your redemption. It’s not about you going to heaven. God has a great purpose in sending His son.

It’s redeeming the value of your life.”