Here’s a new way to encourage discussion about the Good News of Jesus Christ. And you don’t have to be outgoing to do it. Just wear the shirt that tells people to ASK YOU about HIM. That’s it. And watch the conversation begin.

Read on to find out if this LOW KEY approach to spreading the Gospel is right for you and possibly your SMALL GROUP or entire CHURCH membership.

Go and Make Disciples ..

The Great Commission: 

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”   JESUS (Matthew 28:19 NIV)

Jesus gave this command shortly before He ascended into heaven. It expresses what Jesus expected those who followed Him to do in His absence. The word “go” in Merriam Webster is defined as: to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure. The word “make” is defined as: to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone.

So it appears that Jesus wanted His followers to TAKE ACTION and be proactive.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” St. Paul (ROMANS 1:16 NIV)

What Is The Gospel?

It’s The Good News

The Good News explains that God desires to make people right with Himself and offers a way that begins with faith and ends with faith. The Good News is by trusting in God’s wonderful grace to redeem us through what Jesus did, our sins are not only forgiven, but we receive a new purpose for living, and the promise of a future dwelling in heaven with God is secured. 

The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation. If we receive Jesus, we get a Second Chance at living forever with God in paradise. Jesus conquered death.

“Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” JESUS (John 20:21 NIV)

The question becomes: Can you learn to love lost people the way God does? Remember, each and every person matters to Him. God loves all of the people He created. Since God cares deeply about those who don’t believe in Him, we also must care about them too. Why? Because our love for God motivates us to follow His example.

Have you been afraid or shy to share the Good News with those people you see everyday? Why not ask God in prayer to let your heart overflow with the same love He has for them. Reaching out to anyone who may not be part of God’s family and sharing the Good News is a big part of our faith. 

Another question is how far are you willing to go to see that the people around you will get to know Jesus the way you do. Would you wear a simple shirt? Remember, just helping one soul achieve eternal salvation could be the reason you were born. This could be God’s purpose for your life.

Opportunities are all around you. Try not to miss what God is putting within your reach. It’s just too important. Can you imagine someday in heaven, meeting some of the people you shared the Good News with. What if they told you that the reason they are in heaven was because you took the time to talk with them. Maybe you were the only Christian they ever met that did so.

You can spend your life on things that won’t last. Why not use the limited time we have here to get as many people as you can to truly know and love Jesus.

Are You Ready To Go And Make Disciples?

But I’m Shy. How Should I Approach People?

Wear THE SHIRT And Let Them Come To You

If you believe that Jesus was talking to you when He said to “go and make disciples”, it may be time to figure out a plan on how to accomplish this. Many people are shy when it comes to talking about faith to those they meet on a daily basis. That’s why we put this web-site together.

Wearing SHIRTS that plainly tell the people you meet – “Ask Me about HIM” can be a great conversation starter.

You can take a look at these items at the WEAR HIM Link above.

We pray that by wearing these products, some of the anxiety of being forward might diminish. If others asked you about HIM, perhaps you would feel comfortable speaking about Jesus and The Good News. What an easy way to start the conversation you might otherwise not have.

Perhaps, you can pick certain days to wear your ASK ME item. How about a day where you know lots of people will see you such as mall shopping. Or what about your long walk around town for exercise. Lots of people to pass by. You would be surprised how many people would love to ASK YOU about HIM.

Regarding what you might say, we have put together a short 30 second statement describing what the Good News is.

Click the above Sharing The Good News LINK to review it.  Hopefully it will help you. Make it your own. Re-write it in a way that feels comfortable for you. The main thing is that you share this news with someone who might never hear it unless you spoke to them. Some people go their entire lives without ever meeting a Christian that wants to talk about the gift that God gave us through Christ.

Let your light shine brightly and prove to people you meet that they can be one with the living God. Let them see your happiness. Let them feel your joy. Let them understand your desire to share the treasure that you found. The precious gift you were given.

Remember to pray and ask that The Lord will guide you and non-believers to meet each other. Then, let the Holy Spirit guide them to want to know Him as you do.

At the very least, just wearing an Ask Me about item might lead someone to this website to learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for all of us.